How to Play
Introduction to Swamp Monsters TCG

Swamp Monsters TCG is a satirical and strategic trading card game that humorously parodies contemporary political and cultural ideologies. Players select from six pre-established factions, each embodying exaggerated caricatures of real-world political personas: Est-Left, Est-Right, MIGA (Make Illegals Go Away), Libertarian, Leftist, and Alt-Right. Set in a swampy political landscape, players choose a Champion, deploy Heroes, Operatives, Traps, and more in their swamp to strategically engage opponents. The game’s turn-based structure involves resource management, card deployment, and attacks, with the objective of diminishing opponents’ Champion Political Power (PP). “Swamp Monsters TCG” offers players a unique blend of strategic decision-making and humorous satire, inviting them to navigate a hilarious political arena while strategizing to achieve victory.